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Alongside a rich mix of works in progress, project deep dives and networking events, this year we were delighted to introduce a new 'masterclass' format into our events programme. Our masterclasses invite digital methods experts from around the world to share their expertise with our researchers. We continue to offer both in-person and live-streamed seminars, although attendance for online events has dropped significantly from a peak during the pandemic. As people increasingly return to campus more regularly, however, we've been pleased to see the number of attendees at in-person events like our fikas and socials growing again. It's wonderful to be able to meet face to face and forge strong bonds with members of our local digital research community.

Mary Flanagan

"How to See What's Missing"

This year, designer and researcher Mary Flanagan took us on a journey through her creative practices and explored what it means to be a hyperdisiciplinary feminist artist in the age of machine learning and artificial intelligence. Mary is the Sherman Fairchild Distinguished Professor of Digital Humanities at Dartmouth College and leader of the design research laboratory Tiltfactor.org. Her work uses image-making feminist AI to think critically about the thorny biases behind technological learning systems and artworks.  

Watch the full recording

Seminar Series

19 events 703 registrations

Our Audience


Our seminars are open to the public, but over two thirds of those attending are staff and students of the University of Edinburgh. Our external attendees come not only from other universities, but also the private and third sector, government and galleries, libraries and museums. 

Read our events policy

Collaborative Events

David Williamson Shaffer Project Deep Dive

Understanding Learning in the World of AI

We partnered with the Centre for Technomoral Futures to host a talk by David William Schaffer from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

British Academy logo

Data Access and Research for Social Benefit: Moving Forward

We partnered with the British Academy to deliver a workshop focused on data access and its implications for research and policy.  


Oct 5th

Turn your graphs into interactive online experiences: Python Shiny Apps for Beginners

Pawel Orzechowski, University of Edinburgh.

Nov 7th

Creating Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Classification

Nabeel Siddiqui, Susquehanna University. In partnership with Programming Historian. 

Nov 30th

Keyphrase Network Analysis

Pedro Jacobetty, University of Potsdam.

Jan 24th

Masterclass Image and Text Analysis using Multi-modal Embeddings

Justin Chun-ting Ho, Amsterdam School of Communication Research. 

Mar 23rd

Computer Vision for the Humanities and Social Sciences: An Introduction to Deep Learning for Image Classification

Daniel van Strien, Hugging Face. In partnership with Programming Historian. 

May 1st

Epistemic Network Analysis

David Williamson Shaffer, University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Cupcake Graphic Mashup

Fikas & Socials


Providing opportunities for researchers to connect is an important part of our work at the Centre. Digital research is often interdisciplinary, and it can be hard to meet those working with the same methods in other disciplines. To help, we hold regular informal get-togethers or meetings with no agendas, at which conversation and coffee flow freely; these 'fikas' are always popular, and we encourage anyone with an interest in digital research to come along.