CDCS Events Policy


The Centre for Data Culture & Society regularly holds seminars and other public events. A key benefit of the online events that we have been hosting since March 2020 has been that we have reached a broader and more diverse audience than in-person events allowed. Working online has also allowed us to invite speakers from around the world who would otherwise be unable to present their work to our community due to geographical and financial restrictions. Going forward, we plan to continue hosting the majority of our events online and to offer an online component to in-person events whenever possible.


CDCS provides a platform to scholars whose work focuses on using data and digital methods in arts, humanities and social sciences. We showcase the work done by University of Edinburgh researchers and invite speakers who do relevant work that we think will inspire our community. We aim to prioritise the voices of emerging scholars, and support scholars from around the world, especially scholars of colour and those who live and work in the global south.

We also follow the University of Edinburgh’s Policy on Speakers and Events  which supports a culture which permits freedom of thought and expression within a framework of mutual respect.


We follow the University of Edinburgh’s Sustainable Travel Policy, which encourages climate conscious travel and was developed in recognition of the fact that business travel is one of the University’s principle sources of carbon emissions.

At CDCS, although we recognise the importance of in-person meetings and networking, we believe that in most cases bringing a speaker to Edinburgh for a single talk does not represent responsible use of resources. Our default invitation to speakers is therefore for online hosting. Thereafter we consider travel on a case by case basis and within the framework of the Travel Hierarchy. Air travel is not normally permissible for travel within the UK.


In keeping with our aim to be climate conscious, catering at CDCS events will normally be vegetarian and vegan, catering to other dietary requirements where necessary. We will cater events that last two hours or longer, and will seek to produce as little food waste as possible.