Digital Method of the Month: 3D Scanning
Have you seen a presentation on digital research methods and wondered if they are applicable to your work? Are you interested in learning new digital skills but unsure where to start?
This is the right place for you!
The digital method of the month meeting is a safe space to freely discuss the practicalities of learning and implementing a new digital skill in your research.
Each month we select a method, and we have an honest and practical discussion on what it takes to learn and master it. How much time will it take to get the basics? What are the software options available? What are the most common pitfalls? Where can you find more info on the subject? Etc...
The method of this month is 3D Scanning. 3D Scanning is the process of analysing a real object or environment to collect data on its shape and possibly its appearance (e.g. colour). The collected data can then be used to construct digital models. The development of the technologies and the reduction in the cost of the machines/software is generating more and more interest in these technologies, and the number of possible applications in research is increasing every day. Join us to discuss the main techniques and technologies available, and their limitations and potentials.
No previous knowledge of the method is needed. This training event will be held via Microsoft Teams.
Due to high demand for our training events, our cancellation and no-show policy applies to bookings for this event. Click here for details of this policy.