A Pipeline for Data Wrangling and Manipulation with R

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Artists working on easels


In Person

This workshop will provide a guide for creating a data tidying workflow. It is aimed at researchers who are looking for ways of creating systematic and reproducible data tidying workflows. It will demonstrate how to create a script that systematically works through the multiple steps needed to prepare data for analysis.

The first half of the workshop will be dedicated to uploading data, strategies for working with repeated measures, and the merging of datasets. The second half of the session will cover the basics of working with missing data, learning how to create new variables, implement strategies for cleaning data (and dealing with bots…), and finishing off with saving and exporting our processed data.

We will also demonstrate how R allows us to quickly update and re-run our data tidying/processing, saving us time and effort. Additionally, the R scripts generated will provide transparency to your work and make it simpler to retrace your analytical steps.

The classes will also dedicate a section of time to Q+A for any data tidying questions participants may have, as well as providing tips and tricks for data tidying problem solving.

This is an intermediate workshop, some previous knowledge of the R and the RStudio interface would be required to follow the content. If you want to review your familiarity with the R interface, you can look at this video. If you want to refresh the basis of working with R and RStudio you can sign up for our Introduction to Programming with R and RStudio course.

Those who have registered to take part will receive an email with full details on how to get ready for the course.


This course will be taught by Rhys Davies.

After taking part in this event, you may decide that you need some further help in applying what you have learnt to your research. If so, you can book a Data Surgery meeting with one of our training fellows.

More details about Data Surgeries.

If you’re new to this training event format, or to CDCS training events in general, read more on what to expect from CDCS training. Here you will also find details of our cancellation and no-show policy, which applies to this event.


If you're interested in other training on using R for research, you can have a look at the following:


Return to the Training Homepage to see other available events.

Room 4.35, Edinburgh Futures Institute

This room is on Level 4, in the North East side of the building.

When you enter via the level 2 East entrance on Middle Meadow Walk, the room will be on the 4th floor straight ahead.

When you enter via the level 2 North entrance on Lauriston Place underneath the clock tower, the room will be on the 4th floor to your left.

When you enter via the level 0 South entrance on Porters Walk (opposite Tribe Yoga), the room will be on the 4th floor to your right.

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