What to Expect from CDCS Training

We offer a range of different types of training events. This page contains descriptions of the different types of events we offer and what participants can expect when attending them.

At the moment training is delivered either online or in person and you will receive information on how to access the event after you sign up. Please note that we do not record our training events. Specific instructions on how to prepare for each particular course will be sent to attendees by email prior to the course start. We have a cancellation and no-show policy that you can find at the bottom of this page. 

Ada Lovelace mashup

Training Types

Connected lines of data


Our workshops are self-contained and last between one to three hours. They take place on either online or in person and may involve a shared site for documents to be discussed before and during the workshop. Depending on the workshop you may need to do some preparation: if so, this will be highlighted in the preparation email you will receive prior to the event (mostly this involves installing a software or a specific package). Please make sure to follow the instructions in the preparation email in order to get the most out of the course. 

Ada Lovelace Pink


Courses are longer training events (usually two to five classes) and they are the most time-consuming type of training offered by the Centre. Please make sure you have the time to attend all the classes. There may be some preparation to do between classes and you will most likely be asked to install some software/packages beforehand. All the instructions on how to prepare will be sent to you by email prior to the first meeting. Our courses will run either in person or online. For the courses run online, we use the Team feature in Microsoft Teams, so you may be asked to join a Team in advance of the course in order to contact and get support from your instructor.

Method of the Month

Method of the Month

At our Method of the Month sessions, we discuss different digital research methods in depth. This is a great space to learn about new methods and find out about their associated benefits and pitfalls, and so to figure out if this method is suitable for your own research project. You will receive a document beforehand that will be used to direct the conversation and that you can use as a reference to start learning the method by yourself. We use the Team feature in Microsoft Teams, so you may be asked to join a Team in advance of the session in order to contact your instructor.

Florence Meshup

Data Surgery Meeting

Our Data Surgeries are 1 to 1 discussions with our Training Fellows. These meetings are aimed at researchers who are in the process of applying digital and data-driven methods to their research and looking for some advice and support from fellow researchers. For more information on the varied skills of our Training Fellows and information about how to book a meeting see our Data Surgery Page

Silent Disco

Silent Disco 

Our Silent Discos are usually asynchronous learning sessions. This means that when attending one, you will work through the tutorial at your own pace with an instructor available online to help you with any issues. We use the Team feature in Microsoft Teams, so you may be asked to join a Team in advance of the event in order to contact and get support from your instructor. Please note that for this type of asynchronous training the video feed will not be used and all communications will be held via chat.

Teaser Image

Summer Schools

For the last three years, we have been running summer schools focused on Text and Data Analysis. Watch this space for information about next year's offering.

Training Levels

Code Green


Entry Level training. No previous knowledge on the topic is required/expected and the trainer will cover the basics of the method. 

Code Yellow


Explores specific aspects of the method (libraries, tools etc..) and offers more in-depth understanding of the course topics, without introducing the basics. Some previous knowledge is required to be able to follow the content.

Code Pink


Focuses on complex aspects of a topic and often ties together and integrates different tools. Some previous experience is assumed. Please make sure to read the course description carefully before signing up.

Cancellation and no-show policy for CDCS training events

Due to the high demand for our training events, we have a cancellation and no-show policy.  

We understand that plans change, sometimes at short notice. However, we ask that you are considerate of others: there are usually people on the waiting list that could attend, and who are hoping a space will become available.

If at any point after you sign up you realise that you can no longer attend the training event, please cancel your place via the booking platform. This will give someone else a chance to take your place. In general, please do so at least 24 hours before the training event. 

In addition, there will now be a three-strike policy for no-shows (non-attendance without cancellation). 

  • On the first missed training session, nothing will happen but your absence will be noted. 

  • On the second missed training session, you will receive a notification that you have missed two training events.  

  • After the third missed training session, if you register for future CDCS events, you will be only provisionally registered: if the course becomes fully booked up to one week prior to the start date, you will be notified that you have been moved to the waiting list. In the event that spaces become available, you will be notified again with details for taking part in the training event 24 hours in advance.


If you have any questions about this policy, please get in touch: cdcs@ed.ac.uk