Library Carpentry Workshop: OpenRefine
This workshop introduces attendees to working with data in OpenRefine, and how to use it to work with data files.
Topics covered:
- Introduction to OpenRefine
- Importing data into OpenRefine
- Layout of OpenRefine
- Faceting and filtering
- Clustering
- Working with columns and sorting
- Transformations
Requirements: Please bring a laptop with a Mac, Linux, or Windows operating system (not a tablet, Chromebook, etc.) that you have administrative privileges on. Please make sure that your web browser is up to date.
*** Please ensure that you have a specific software installed for this workshop – click here for setup instructions.
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This workshop is part of a programme of Library Carpentry workshops.
The Centre for Data Culture and Society is offering a limited number of places for this programme, run in partnership with the Centre for Research Collections and the National Library of Scotland.
This programme focuses on building software and data skills within library and information-related communities. Previous knowledge of the tools to be presented is not required.
Full programme outline:
- Introduction to Working with Data (Regular Expressions)
- Tidy Data for Librarians
- OpenRefine
- The UNIX Shell
- Introduction to Python for Libraries
- Introduction to R for Libraries
To book a place on another of the above workshops, see our other events advertised.
Click here for more information about the Library Carpentry programme.
Digital Scholarship Centre
Digital Scholarship Centre, 6th floor
Main Library
University of Edinburgh
Edinburgh EH8 9LJ