CDCS Research Associate: Kevin Glynn
Kevin Glynn is Associate Professor at Northumbria University. His work is situated at the intersection of cultural studies, media studies, and cultural/political geographies, and is centrally concerned with cultures and geographies of everyday life; with the cultural and spatial politics of media practices, forms, and discourses; and with the investigation and critical analysis of popular media and cultures as sites of discursive activity and spaces of contestation. He has taught in departments of media, communication and cultural studies, American studies, and geography in the US, New Zealand and the UK. He is author of Tabloid Culture: Trash Taste, Popular Power, and the Transformation of American Television (Duke University Press) and coauthor of Communications/Media/Geographies (Routledge) and Shifting Nicaraguan Mediascapes: Authoritarianism and the Struggle for Social Justice (Springer). His work has also appeared in many anthologies and leading international journals such as Cultural Studies; Television & New Media; Camera Obscura: Feminism, Culture and Media Studies; Gender, Place and Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography; International Journal of Cultural Studies; Annals of the Association of American Geographers; Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography; Communication Studies; Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies; Comparative American Studies: An International Journal; Geopolitics; and others.