Workshop: The Programming Historian Silent Disco

Everyone has unique digital skills needs. One person may want to learn about web scraping, while another is looking for support to learn about linked data. The silent disco allows everyone to dance to their own tune, with support only a raised hand away.

This workshop is your chance to work on your own skills in a supportive virtual environment. Two of the editors of the Programming Historian will be virtually on hand to offer support and guidance to participants, as each person works away on one of more than 100 digital skills tutorials that best suits their needs, available in three languages.

At the end of the workshop, participants will be encouraged to reflect on their learning and where they may need to go to continue to build their new skills. 

From topic modeling, to digital mapping, to data cleaning, to web scraping, to digital publishing, the Programming Historian has a skill for you. Let this be your excuse to sit down and learn something to take your work to the next level.

Participants can drop in at any time from 8:00 until 20:00 (BST). Those who have booked a place will receive an email with full details and a link to take part in the live session.


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