CDCS Research Adaptation Guidance
Introduction to Digital Anthropology
Archival Research
A Time for Research Distancing: guidance on gathering data digitally and switching from researching in physical archives to online research.
Gale have made available a huge range of their primary source databases to the library on a trial basis until 30th June 2020, this covers hundreds of years of world history and a wide number of subject areas. Access is via the E-resources trials page (click here for an introductory blog post).
Data Collection
Collecting Qualitative Data: A Practical Guide to Textual, Media and Virtual Techniques, ed. Braun, V. et al
Digital Humanities
The Digital Humanities Literacy Guidebook(CMU): survey of DH methods and pointers to other resources.
The Programming Historian provides high quality, peer-reviewed digital humanities tutorials by scholars for scholars (not just historians), and many of the tutorials are in multiple languages.
Routledge's Digital Research in the Arts and Humanities series multidisciplinary, available online via UoE library soon.
Resources on Online Ethnography (crowd-sourced document)
How to conduct an ethnography during social isolation video by Daniel Miller
See also: Digital ethnography: Using online spaces to explore participants' behaviours Hjorth, L., Horst, H., Galloway, A., & Bell, G. (Eds.). (2017). The Routledge companion to digital ethnography. Taylor & Francis.
Doing fieldwork in a pandemic Lupton, D. (editor) (2020) (crowd-sourced document)
Network analysis
University of Edinburgh researchers have provided videos introducing network analysis as a method:
Introduction to Social Network Analysis
Introduction to Epistemic Network Analysis
Online discussions / interviews
Digital platforms like Teams, WhatsApp, Skype, Zoom, Facebook can be used to conduct interviews and focus groups/discussions. WhatsApp has been especially useful for researchers working in the global south, due to its simplicity, wide use, and efficiency. Microsoft Teams and Skype are available to UoE researchers, can be used with external interviewees, and both have recording options.
Nvivo can be used to analyse results based on fieldwork interviews.
The NCRM wayfinder guide to adapting interview practices for Covid-19.(NCRM. Nind, Melanie and Meckin, Robert and Coverdale, Andy (2021))
Advice on remote oral history interviewing during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Phone Interviewing as a Means of Data Collection:Lessons Learned and Practical Recommendations (Burke, L. & Miller, M. Forum: Qualitative Social Research)
STEER: Factors to Consider When Designing Online Focus Groups Using Audiovisual Technology in Health Research (Daniels, N et al. International Journal of Qualitative Methods)
Online experiments and data collection
Guidance on running experiments online and recruiting participants online by Neil Bramley
Guidance on online data collection by James Donaldson
Training in jsPsych for developing online tasks developed by Alisdair Tullo
For online recruitment of adult participants from around the UK/world for experiments and surveys: Prolific or Amazon's Mechanical Turk
Testable allows coding-free online behavioural experiment building. Set up controlled experiments with precisely timed presentations of stimuli in the browser without programming.
Build online experiments with custom tasks in the browser using javascript/html/css with jsPsych (task flow/trial & block randomisation, storing data) or p5.js (developing more interactive tasks/games).
The Physiological Society provides professional recommendations related to returning to human testing in labs.
AsPredicted allows preregistrations.
For staff and students in Sport, PE & Health Sciences, there is a sharepoint site available (EASE login required) which provides guidance.
Quantitative Data Analysis
Examples of commonly used statistical software are SPSS, Stata, R
Social media research
Facepager was made for fetching public available data from YouTube, Twitter and other websites on the basis of APIs and webscraping.
TAGS is a simple spreadsheet-based tool to enable the collection of twitter data.