CDCS Annual Report 2023-24

Image of the Edinburgh Futures Institute Spirit Case with colour overlay dots


It’s been an exciting year for CDCS as we celebrate our fifth anniversary and settle into our new space at the Edinburgh Futures Institute. We’re pleased to share our journey through the 2023-24 Annual Report, a reflection of progress, transformation and community engagement.

This year has been all about strengthening bonds and building new ones. We've rolled out new formats for skills development, launched new services, and renewed our connections throughout the College. Notable events this year include our Annual Lecture delivered by artist and scholar Mary Flanagan and the 2024 Digital Research Prizes which celebrated digital research across our community. We're particularly proud of our contributions to the University's Students as Change Agents programme and our new membership in the UK's DARIAH community. Additionally, our collaboration with King’s Digital Lab, Cambridge Digital Humanities, and the Alan Turing Institute for the Digital Humanities Research Software Engineering Summer School was a standout highlight.

The full report is available for you to read here. We look forward to what will definitely be another jam-packed year ahead!