Announcing the Digital Cultural Heritage Research Cluster

We are delighted to be launching the Digital Cultural Heritage research cluster today. This new research cluster is led by Dr Jen Ross, Senior Lecturer at Moray House School of Education and Sport.  

 Working with a wide range of partners in the gallery, library, archive and museum sectors, cluster members are researching tangible and intangible cultural heritage as it relates to digital preservation, new audiences, community engagement, curatorial practice, text mining, and geographical information systems, to name but a few areas of expertise. The cluster currently has 24 members and continues to grow (see all researchers’ profiles). 

The first Digital Cultural Heritage cluster seminar event will be hosted online on Wednesday 24 June, and will feature Dr Oonagh Murphy (Goldsmiths, University of London) presenting ‘Museums and AI: Imagining the AI We Want for Museums’ (find out more / book your place). 

The cluster’s new web-page provides more information about its members, its planned activities, and featured research projects. 


The image accompanying this story is a scan of Linlithgow Palace, courtesy of Dr James Cook, one of the members the Digital Cultural Heritage cluster. Learn more about his work on Hearing Histories in the Space, Place, Sound, Memory blog.