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At CDCS, we believe that learning takes place inside and outside the classroom. Our skills activities supplement, enhance and expand our courses in flexible formats that enable self-paced study, learning-by-doing in real-world contexts, and integrating data and the digital within wider transferable skills development. By exploring how digital methodologies translate across topics, disciplines and departments, we aim to help researchers develop the skills required to collaborate effectively and conduct transdisciplinary data-led research. This year, we've worked with colleagues in the University Library, Careers Service and Data + Design Lab to support students and researchers as they tackle complex challenges. 

Supporting Data Skills Across the Univeristy

Sacha Programme

SACHA Programme

Students as Change Agents (SACHA) is a challenge-based programme which brings together students from different subjects to solve real-world problems with a wider social, environmental, or economic impact. This year, we mentored the SACHA Data Coaches as they provided data support and computational methods development for students.

Data Lab Academy innovation week

DataLab Academy

The Data Lab Academy’s (TDLA) Innovation Week is a three-day programme aiming to equip Data Science students across Scotland with the tools and perspectives needed to co-design responses to complex challenges. This year, a CDCS data coach not only supported the attendees, but also helped transform the data provided by the industry-based partners into a user-friendly data playground.

Exploring digital research methods

As part of the Dissertation and Thesis Festival, we organised a workshop focused on how students can use digital methods and library resources to derive new research insights. With a focus on text analysis, we explored out-of-the-box tools and more tailored solutions to analyse large bodies of text.

Learning through real and historical data

It's common practice for trainers to use small, pre-cleaned and simplified data sets in courses and workshops. While working with clean data limits the cognitive load, it can lead to a disconnect with real-world data, making it difficult for learners to apply their learning to actual research projects. 

We're interested in how we can support the connection between research and technical skills, and in how we can equip our researchers with the skills they'll need to work with real-world data in solving problems. We also aim to reuse and showcase the University's rich data collections. 

Over the past year, we collaborated with colleagues from the Library to gather, process and prepare two of these collections for use in training and research. We focused primarily on the Statistical Account of Scotland and the Digitised PhD Theses datasets.

The Statistical Account of Scotland dataset comprises 29,083 text files derived from transcriptions of the Old and New Statistical Accounts of Scotland. The Digitised PhD Theses dataset includes metadata for approximately 25,000 PhD theses defended at the University of Edinburgh. We transformed both raw datasets into tabular formats, making them suitable for both teaching and research purposes. This dataset was used to teach Text Analysis at our Summer School and during training events across the year, enabling trainers to showcase a series of methods from data wrangling and data visualisation, to text analysis and topic modelling. 


Self-paced and online learning

77 training material repositories

We now have over 77 repositories of CDCS training material in GitHub! You can navigate this collection and identify the right resources for your interests and skill level through our new training material navigation page, where we've stored self-contained tutorials. The navigation page is user-friendly and has a search function, making our GitHub more accessible.

Online courses

Not all people learn the same way or have the same amount of time available, so we offer a diverse and flexible range of training opportunities. Our workshops and courses take place at varied times in a range of formats, some in person and some online. This year, we offered around 40% of our training online.

six training pathways

Our training programme is designed to support researchers in the arts, humanities and social sciences. We offer six curated pathways for key methods, which can help you navigate online resources and tailor your skills development to your needs. 


Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis

This year, we sent Dr Johanna Amaya-Panche and Adam Farquhar of the PeaceRep project (Law) to the Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis - 2J Machine Learning for Social Scientists and 3E Machine Learning for Tabular Data.

MSc in Speech and Language Processing

We continued supporting Professor Will Lamb (LLC) as he completed his course in Speech and Language Processing.

Summer Institute in Computational Social Sciences (SICSS)

This year, we helped Unai Gómez-Hernández (SSPS) to attend the Summer Institute in Computational Social Sciences.