fairy cakes



After significant growth last year, our numbers have held steady this year despite the ups and downs of the world around us. It has been challenging to maintain our programmes throughout repeated lockdowns, and in the face of zoom fatigue and the general exhaustion felt by many after two years of turbulence. We've delivered fewer seminars, but more training courses, with an incredible 2149 people registering for our events and workshops. We've seen another successful grant this year, too, and are looking forward to the outputs of research we have helped to fund. We're proud to have kept delivering, and the data below reflects our determination to be there for our community and keep delivering opportunities for engagement, learning and research development. 

27 affiliates

We now have twenty-seven researchers affiliated with CDCS, including colleagues at other institutions and PhD students, who work on topics as diverse as disability studies, organisational change, and copyright law.

1 book in the pipeline

A forthcoming book is based on research we've supported.

2 training bursaries

While travel remains difficult, our bursaries supported two researchers to attend online methods courses.

1 research grant

We've been thrilled to see another AHRC grant come to researchers associated with CDCS, namely our Director Prof Melissa Terras and our Affiliate Dr Suzanne Black.

10 projects sponsored

We've provided tailored support to ten projects, six through our 2021 text mining lab.

30 members of the Stakeholder forum

There are thirty members in our stakeholder forum, which meets twice a year to give feedback and help ensure that we support our community effectively. 

1356 subscribers to our mailing list

Over one thousand three hundred people get our weekly digest which shares information about our events and training.

11 schools represented

Our team represents disciplines from History and Archaeology to Linguistics and Economics.

151 downloads of our publications

Our guidance documents have been downloaded over 150 times now.

21 events and 1464 registrations


Switching to online events helped us grow our audience this year: almost 1500 people registered for 21 events. 

63 courses 685 registrations


We offered 63 online courses this year, with almost 700 people signing up to develop their skills. 

audience breakdown

Audience Breakdown

Our website is visited by people from all over the world, but it also sees lots of local traffic with just over 17% of all visitors based in Edinburgh.

Website visits analytics

Website Visits

Visits to our website followed a similar pattern to last year, reflecting the busy points of the academic year, but with consistently higher visitor numbers.

Website visits analytics

Visitor Breakdown

Our website was visited by over 18 thousand visitors, and just over 15% were returning.

Social media

Social media

Our growing Twitter community has reached 3409 followers and our tweets are seen by thousands more. Our average monthly engagement rate is a whopping 2%.


budget spend

For academic year 21/22, our budget was £176,000 and our spend is coming in just under that.  Staff costs account for the highest proportion at just under £100,000. We have spent a further £32,500 on training, £13,000 on scholarships and bursaries, and £7,000 on tools. Around £5,000 has been channelled to research projects and clusters, and £12,000 was used to support internships. Our events spend remains low as the majority of our programme has been online this year.