The Digital Humanities Climate Coalition is a collaborative and cross-institutional initiative focused on understanding and minimising the environmental impact of DH research. Participants are based at HE institutions and DH Centres across the UK, Ireland, and Northern Europe. DHCC is a Community Interest Group of the UK-Ireland Digital Humanities Association.

As a community interest group with the new UK-Ireland DH Association, we host monthly meet ups for those interested in climate responsible digital research.
If you would like to be part of the CIG please drop us a line at cdcs@ed.ac.uk
23/24: Workshops and Pedagogy
We have held three workshops this year, at the British Library (read more here) at the UK-Ireland DH Association Conference at the University of Cork, and at the University of Salford, where we gave a keynote lecture on intersections between sustainability and open research.
The Cork workshop focused on pedagogy and we hope to develop the ideas into teaching related content for the toolkit. And, with some support from the AHRC and the Design Museum Future Observatory, we have been developing an educational card game, based on the content of the tool kit. The game is currently in late prototype stage.

Toolkit Launch
On November 10 2022 we held a workshop to launch the DHCC Toolkit, designed to empower humanists to work towards climate responsible research practices.
Over the last year, we have been developing a series of outputs, including a Toolkit that supports researchers who are trying to lower their carbon footprint. This workshop launched the DHCC Toolkit, and provided an opportunity to take stock of actions over the last year and consider priorities and potential activities going forward. Digital Humanists from across the UK, Ireland and Europe were invited to participate.
DH Benelux 2022 Workshop (Luxembourg)
The DHCC hosted an afternoon workshop on 31 May 2022 for the DH Benelux conference.
(a) decarbonising our research and teaching,
(b) working at the intersection of humanities and digital technology to understand the role of data science in climate transition and climate justice,
(c) transforming DH (and knowledge institutions) within broader transformations of society.
For more information, visit the workshop page

A Researcher Guide to Writing a Climate Justice-Oriented Data Management Plan
Our Information, Measurement and Practice Group has published this guide which aims to help researchers think through the climate-related implications of decisions about data management and project planning. It includes an annotated DMP.
Cite this publications as: DHCC Information, Measurement and Practice Action Group. (2022). A Researcher Guide to Writing a Climate Justice-Oriented Data Management Plan (v0.6). Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6451499

DHCC was formed after a collaboratively organised workshop in 2021. Read about that workshop here.
Current Working Groups
The Toolkit Action Group is focused on assembling, curating and developing useful tools to help researchers work in ways that are sustainable and just. It is led by Christopher Ohge.
The Information, Measurement and Practice Group is focused on finding out what we need to know and weaving that knowledge into how we work. It is led by James Baker.
Influence and Networks Action Group is focused on collaboration and advocacy, within our own institutions and beyond. It is led by Lisa Otty and Jo Walton.
Get involved
If you’d like to find out more, propose actions or share ideas, please get in touch with the theme leads. We also have an email list for discussing actions and related subjects: if you'd like to be added to this list, please drop us a line.