model of chemical compound made of wool and knitting needles



Growing capacity for data-led and digital research means ensuring that the tools, services and support required by researchers are in place. Working with researchers from across different schools and disciplines, we're in the ideal position to identify gaps and help develop a joined up support and service offer. We're aiming to not only improve our local institutional support, but also to develop support models, tools and frameworks that others can use.

Growing locally

TEI Service

We operate a hosting service for TEI and other XML projects using eXist-db.

TEI By Example

We host TEI by Example, a set of openly available online tutorials in TEI mark up.

Omeka service

We're developing a new Omeka hosting service for online research exhibitions.

Photo of Ed Mckenzie

New technical capacity

In January the CDCS team expanded with the addition of Research Technologist  Ed McKenzie, who has provided back-end development support for a variety of projects over the last six months. In the coming year, Ed will also start to work as part of a virtual Research Technology support service for the Edinburgh Futures Institute.

If you are interested in working with Ed, please drop us a line.

Contributing nationally

SSI Software Skills Survey

We fed into the training and skills sections of the SSI AHRC Software Needs report, which was finalised in September 2022.

UK DRI community congress

We attended the UKRI Digital Research Infrastructure Community Congress in Birmingham in March 2023.

UK DH infrastructure map

We appear on the UK DRI infrastructure map, produced by the Mapping the Arts and Humanities Project led by the School of Advanced Study, University of London.

illustration showing ideas from the congress